Healing Touch Reiki Is For Everyone

Healing Touch Reiki with Brandy in Honolulu Hawaii

Who does Healing Touch Reiki? Everyone

What are the benefits of Healing Touch Reiki?

  • According to Ascent Physical Therapy and Wellness, Healing Touch Reiki can help decrease anxiety, tension, and stress, alleviate pain, aid wound healing, improve spiritual development, get ready for, and recover from medical treatments, surgeries, and procedures, handle and lessen the side effects of treatments, and support cancer care;

In a healing touch Reiki session, I do a consultation to determine the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional state. My client lay fully clothed on a massage table while I place my hands lightly on the body. A session usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes, after which my client report feeling of relaxation and lite.

When peers take a reiki session with me for the purpose of self-healing they experience so many benefits.

Long distance Reiki sessions clients experience the same energy from the feedback that I have received.

Reiki Session Outside in Honolulu Hawaii

I offer in person Reiki sessions on Tuesday and Long Distance sessions on Sundays & Tuesdays in Honolulu Hawaii.

Email me brandyreikihealer@gmail.com

Between the hours of 11:00am-3:30pm

Namaste 🙏🏾

I Got New Crystals…wanna see

Aura Quartz Crystals

Besides diamonds and roses, crystals are items that brings me a lot of happiness. I gifted myself a few new ones that I been wanting to get to use on my clients during Reiki sessions.

I order from Worldincensestore on Etsy again. I like their quality of crystals so I order my babies from them. Once I find a place with quality crystals and great customer service, I usually stick with them. So, I try to have at least 3 stores to shop from so I can have a variety to select from.

Crystals from WordIncenseStore on ETSY

These are my new goodies.

1. Aura Quartz

2. Blue Kyanite

3. Green Malachite

4. Pyrite Bracelet

5. Libra Bracelet

Aura Quartz is a BEAUTY
Blue Kyanite, Green Malachite, Pyrite & Libra

Book your Healing Touch Reiki Session with me here in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tuesdays Only between 11:00am-3:30pm

I offer 30 minutes and 1 hour Reiki sessions.

Namaste 🙏🏾

Email me: brandyreikihealer@gmail.com

Connecting With My Ocean Wave Drum

Hawaii Reiki Practitioner Brandy Gomez-Duplessis at home.

Trying to connect with my ocean waves drum so I can create the beautiful sound of peace and serenity of ocean waves during Reiki sessions. Being at the ocean can be spiritual and healing, so I’m adding sound to my Reiki sessions on Tuesdays during in person and long distance sessions.

Healing Touch Reiki on Tuesday’s in Honolulu. Book your Reiki Sessions with me.


Between the hours of 11:00am-3:30pm

Pre Birthday Celebration Unbox With Me

Libra Season, Brandy Gomez-Duplessis

Tomorrow, Friday, October 13th is my birthday and I’ll be 53. So many of my peers are shocked that I’m not afraid of saying my age. Let me tell you something, when you’re blessed to wake up everyday being honest about your age is nada.

Most of my old followers is familiar with my health back in the days and know how bad it was. Being asked three different times by doctors, “how am I alive” is definitely a wake up call. So sharing my age is a blessing because some doctors thought I wouldn’t make it this far.

Unboxing my 100 Pink Roses

My youngest, my son Jordan gifted me with 100 pale pink and pink roses for my birthday.

Earlier this year on Mother’s Day he gifted me with 100 White roses. He believes in making sure I get my flowers while I’m still here. These beautiful flowers definitely puts a smile on my face.

Happy Birthday To All My Libras!

Book Your Healing Touch Reiki Session With Me

Hawaii Healing Touch Reiki Practitioner Brandy Gomez-Duplessis

I’m Brandy, a Healing Touch Reiki Practitioner in Hawaii, which is a Japanese energy healing technique. I offer a service of alternative health approach to manage symptoms and improve general well-being. As a practitioner, I am able to stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities by placing my hands either directly on you or just above to bring about healing to help you become more relaxed. My sessions energize, balance, and promote well-being on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. My clients can heal faster because of reduced pain, stress, and anxiety. Healing Touch Reiki promote relaxation, sleep, and facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal.

During your session with me you will wear comfortable loose clothes, yoga pants and a cotton T-shirt are great options that you can relax in and clean socks. Avoid having a heavy meals and refrain from drinking alcohol, coffee, and sugary drinks at least three hours before your session. Use the restroom if you need so that you can enjoy the full session without being interrupted. You will be laying on a massage table with linens and blankets. This is not a massage, it’s hands on energy technique not a substitute for medical treatment. I do not prescribe any medication.

Healing Touch Reiki on Tuesday’s Only

Hours: 11am-3:30pm

30mins or 1hour sessions

I’m located in Honolulu at a professional clean safe space. Once you email me to book your service I will submit a form for you to fill out.

Email: brandyreikihealer@gmail.com

With Warmest Aloha


I’m A Reiki Energy Healer Living In Hawaii

Oahu, Hawaii Reiki Practitioner Brandy Gomez-Duplessis

Yes, I am a Reiki Energy Healer living in Hawaii. With all of the powerful history of the 3rd Reiki Grand Master Hawayo Takata living here in 1937, I personally feel Oahu Hawaii is a perfect place to live and practice this spiritual art form.

I was introduced to Reiki by a nurse at my appointment with my Rheumatologist. She pulled me to the side because she saw that my doctor wasn’t understanding what my body was going through with Lupus, RA and Asthma. As soon as she place her hands on me, I instantly felt something. I didn’t understand it but I felt my body doing things. She explained to me to go home in relax. Well, I did the opposite. I went home, started dancing and having a good time. I haven’t felt good like that in years. I don’t know where that energy came from. My husband finally got me to listen and I showered and got in bed. By then we both were sitting in bed researching “REIKI” and everything I felt we were reading.

So time went by and I kept thinking about Reiki and what it did for me and how great I felt. Because I was mostly at this time on bed rest due to my health. I had the time to learn more on how I can receive this gift in my hands. I always knew I was an empath and that I always spoke to my Spirit Guides & Angels. Once they saw that I was ready to commit to this way of living they made the transition an effortless one. I started with completely changing my lifestyle, I got stricter with my diet, I was already releasing peers from my life so a few more I had to remove. Actually it’s not hard to do. When you start making changes you will see your peers separating from you as well.

Now I’m living in Hawaii, practicing Reiki on myself everyday. I’m going through my Spiritual Awakening and I’m now helping all of my Lupus warriors and other autoimmune warriors. I know what Reiki did for me and my body that I knew it’s my mission to help my peers. So I was happy doing just that.

Then in 2020, like everyone else was living in a pandemic and my guides shared with me that I needed to now help more people. That I am needed to use my gift for peers that is going through many life challenges. So before I started adding more energy to my body I needed to get myself as strong as I could because the energy is going to be different than what I was use to.

Brandy Gomez-Duplessis, Reiki Practitioner in Ko’olina Hawaii.

For me, being a Reiki Energy Healer is not a trend. It’s something that I’m passionate about. I always enjoy helping others and my Spirit Guides said you been saying you want to help, well we have a big task for you. I’m loving my journey. I wish my body could and would let me do Reiki on 10 people a day but I can’t. When the time is right, I will travel, I will speak at events and touch as many people that I can. My guides sends people to me it’s not forced. So when I do get clients from the mainland it’s because their guides connected that client to me.

I only offer Healing Touch Reiki sessions on Tuesday’s. I’m in town in Honolulu. You can contact me at brandyreikihealer@gmail.com

Namaste 🙏🏾

Reiki Session on the beach in Hawaii

Brandy Gomez-Duplessis doing a Reiki Session on the beach in Hawaii.

Being an Empath, I do have a soft heart, I feel things very deeply. My gift often tells me whether someone is being truthful or not. When doing a Reiki session and working on a blocked chakra I experience this strong wet cough. As an empath, I feel more drawn to nature and remote areas so doing Reiki sessions on the beach provides me a calming space.

Because I take in others emotions so deeply is why I became a healer. I’m finally in my life ready to accept what my spirit guides been showing me. My ability to detect the emotions, mental states, and physical pain of another person. My ability has become stronger, and I had to learn how to prevent taking on the energy of others.

When I place my hands on my clients body, I feel an intense warmth and vibration. It feels so good to know that I’m helping and freeing them. Can’t wait to help more of my peers.

Book your Healing Touch Reiki Session with me on Tuesday’s in Honolulu., Hawaii


Namaste 🙏🏾

Reiki Energy Healer on Oahu Hawaii

I’m so elated to share that starting November 2023, I will be offering Reiki services on Sunday’s & Tuesday’s here in Hawaii.

You can email me to schedule your Healing Touch Reiki appointment.

Email: brandyreikihealer@gmail.com

I love forward to helping you.

Namaste 🙏🏾