
I am in bed trying to watch The Hills eating sunflower seeds and drinking a Corona beer. I am so tired that I haven't done anything but change my clothes turned on the tv and grabbed a beer. I am way to tired to fall asleep, you ever get like that.

The tour is going well. All of my favorite people are working. I am so glad that all of the dumb bullshit is not going on like last year. I just worry about my girl Roni cuz she been spotting and that's not good with her being 6 months along.

When I get back home my schedule is going to be crazy cuz I will be working with The Style network again. I have Kristin Holt on Sunday, The Kardashians on Monday and Thom Filicia on Tuesday. Two weddings next week plus 3 dates of L'Oreal gigs. So my schedule will keep me away from the studio and I still have to get Devin trained.

I am so overdue with calling Wendy and I need to just wake up about 5am to finish designing my Gambit ad and return emails and write up a few wedding contract.

So let me go get some sleep so I can get up in work.

Glam Life OF A Makeup Artist

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On Tour

Hey guys really quick I am on tour and will be in no la on late saturday night. I forgot to let everyone know cut the last few days been crazy it skipped my mind to call everybody like I usually do.

Sorry about that.
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Will Miss You Al Copeland

I just went to Al Copeland grand opening party last month…so I was so hurt to hear that he passed on Easter. I had such a great time and the food was amazing…as usual.

Just wanted to say “I Will Miss You Copeland”

On A Crazy Mission Today

Ok you know my mission is to be an A-list
makeup artist. I don't know if you thought
I forgot all about it. Going to the special
invited L'Oreal event in Connecticut,
being called about the NBA All-Star 2009
and just last weekend being in Tampa, Florida
doing makeup with L'Oreal cosmetics and having
women love my work…let me stop lieing to
to you…havin women ask for my card and one girl
ask if I would come back in October for her
wedding. So, I know I must get movin more
than I am.

I have been on The Knot a wedding/bridal website
for about 4 years now and I was told
about the new issue that's out. I am going
to go buy one to see if I made the list as
one their top vendors in my market. But,
because I didn't get any calls from brides
saying they saw my name listed that's how
I have a feelin I ain't in it…

So, with that said I am about to push myself
like a crazy woman. If yall think yall can't
get in touch with my black ass now wait
to what's about to happen.

This boy is stupid… I am watching Mason Betha
this morning. When I can I try to catch him
in the morning. I love starting my day off
watching him. I have been able to listen
to his sermon and not see the rapper MASE.
I actually reaaly get his words and I do feel
like I got feed. It's like when I hear Pastor
Rowe from Upperroom Church in New Oroeans
East. He just said something real but it was
crazy how he deoivered it.

Of course I am home today but have a lot
to today. I am about to head out to the studio.
I have Mike the sign guy coming by. The same
one I used before. I email Xavier to see if
we could get together to do some update
on the site. I have tons of emails to brides
and I need to get in touch with my makeup
peopoe. I need to get some makeup in
to retail. once I get in touch with Mark Bloom
in LA about the new name for the makeup
and I get copyright to it I'll share it with
yall later.

I think the city inspector is suppose to
come by this week. One of my girls have
been helping me while I was gone. She
has been handling my paperwork cuz I had to
renew everything because of the new location.
Since I had to do the out of town dates
she offer to assist me with that since she
works at City Hall. How sweet was that.

Alright my babies I am out… gotta go
make myself an A-list makeup artist.

Glam Life Of A Makeup Artist

Great News

Yesterday I was coming in the house and
you all know how my babies are they
rush the door barking and jumping and
crying for me to pick them up. As always
my phone rangs as I am trying to get
through the doors and I can hear the phone
announce Heidi. So I am rushing to get to
my phone. but my sensitive ass phone
hung up. So I hurry to put them outside
so I could call my agent back. Normally,
if Heidi calls then that means work. I call
the office back and Sylvia answer and
placed me on hold because Keith wanted
to speak with me. So I knew it was about
to be something BIG. Cuz Keith is the
owner. Keith comes to the phone after
leaving me a message. So he comes to the
phone sounding all dry in business with no
emotion in his voice. So, I couldn't read his
tone. He goes “I just received a call from the
NBA and they want to book you for next
year All Star in Phoenix, AZ”. He gave me the
dates and said she confirmed me but has
to get back to me about my crew. They may
just use a crew out there and I will be in
charge of them. So, how cool is that???
2009 I will be The Official Makeup Artist for The NBA All-Stae Weekend 2009.

What a spirtual weekend

I must say I have been so blessed to have so many amazing woman and men in my life. This weekend has been so spiritual for me. Friday I attend the press conference for the V to the 10 event that will be coming to New Orleans in April. It was such a crazy experience to see my boy Nagin cry and also say these words…you ready?
“He is a vagina friendly mayor”. I know right…
Anyway, I saw my girls Trintee
3 5 7 at the press conference and they are ready to jump on the band wagon to help me become and a – list makeup artist.
Wait I have to continue later….the wire is coming on and I have two mins to grab a drink.
WOW…the wire and the L Word….did you all watch it.

hey guys I am trying to set up the blogger to go thing and lord it was funny.
I got all confused on how to do this that michael got a good laugh out of it.
I didn't know what to do and was sending the wrong thing girl let me get my
crazy butt off this before I send the wrong thing to the wrong person.